Kickstarter and the Democratization of Patronage

Scott Gaines, author

So I only heard about Kickstarter the other day but I’ve already seen several appeals for various things, though none of them so noble (thus far) as a novel.

A friend sent me Scott Gaines’ Kickstarter page and since its the first appeal I’ve come across for funding a novel I thought it made sense to mention it here.

Gaines is the author of two previous books (The Total View of Taftly and Waiting for April) and is currently working on an MFA while finishing his new book, Gaines Green.

He makes an interesting case for support: that we’re moving back to an era where artists will need patrons to write and make a living. I’ve often wondered this myself, given the kind of flux the publishing world is in (or entering into) at the moment. Now, this may or may not end up being the case, but I certainly think its as relevant a hypothesis as any other in the current era. Until it all shakes out we just won’t know. (Anyone who tells you they know 100% how publishing and the continued potential for authors of fiction to make a living off their writing is going to turn out is a liar, and is probably trying to sell you something.)

Gaines’ point is interesting: that Kickstarter allows the democratization of patronage, by harnessing the internet to allow a cloud of patrons to help fund a work.

I think I’m going to cough up $25 to help him out. See what you think:

– S.