Things Overhead at the Stop-Watch Gang Meeting – 20 February 2011

“I’m going to assume your comment about Hungary was a jab at me.”


“Well, they took all my comments. So I’m just going to read–I’ve got five minutes!”


“The balloon is a balloon. They’re not stupid!”


“Sometimes shit just drops from a clear blue sky.”


A: “I loved the Angle of Death.”
B: “What?”
C: “It’s a typo.”
A: “For me that’s right up there with the Circle of Life.”


“‘He had dark, evil eyes.’ Then there are three more evils on the page. It was to the point that I wrote STOP THE EVIL! in the margin.”


X: “See? I know you guys are going to hate this…”
Y: “Nah, we already told you what we hate.”


“Right now we’re re-writing stuff we haven’t even read.”
