The 2008 Prix Aurora Awards were announced Sunday 18 May 2008 at Keycon 25 in Winnipeg.
Congratulations to Hayden Trenholm, whose story “Like Water in the Desert” won Best Short-Form Work in English. Hayden is a really nice guy and a heck of a competitor. He wrote a great story and definitely deserves an Aurora. And watch out next year when his first novel, Defining Diana (Bundoran Press), will be eligible in the Best Long-Form Work in English category.

The 2008 Best Short-Form Work in English Aurora Nominees,
from this year’s Ad Astra. Left to right: Stephen Kotowych, Tony Pi,
Hayden Trenholm, David Livingstone Clink, Douglas Smith.
(Photo courtesy Robert J. Sawyer & Caroline Clink)
However, I’m thrilled to be associated with an Aurora Award by proxy, because Julie E. Czerneda & Jana Paniccia won the Best Work in English (Other) Aurora for edited Under Cover of Darkness! Yay! Congratulations Julie and Jana! I had my first published story in UCoD and I’m thrilled that they won for their excellent work! A well-deserved accolade!
The full list of winners are:
Lifetime Achievement:
Dennis Mullin
Best Long-Form Work in English:
The New Moon’s Arms by Nalo Hopkinson (Warner)
Best Long-Form Work in French:
Cimetière du musée by Diane Boudreau (du Phoenix)
Best Short-Form Work in English:
“Like Water in the Desert” by Hayden Trenholm (Challenging Destiny)
Best Short-Form Work in French:
“Sur la plage des Èpaves” by Laurent MacAllister (Solaris)
Best Work in English (Other):
Under Cover of Darkness edited by Julie E. Czerneda & Jana Paniccia (DAW)
Best Work in French (Other):
No nominations.
Artistic Achievement:
Lar deSouza
Fan Achievement (Fanzine):
No award.
Fan Achievement (Organizational):
Penny Lipman
Fan Achievement (Other):
Paul Bobbitt (editor of The Voyageur)