Hello all –
Wanted to direct your attention to the blog my writer’s group has set up: The Stop-Watch Gang Blog. You can find it here.
This is a site where you can learn more about the various members of the Stop-Watch Gang, as well as our successes. We’re a group of Toronto and Southwestern Ontario writers of the fantastic, and our line up is pretty impressive: dozens of professional publications, award winning authors, and no less than five Aurora Award finalists. Each week one member (usually Suzanne, but the rest of us are trying!) post something about writing, publishing, self-promotion as an author, etc. for your reading enjoyment. And as I say, you’ll likely be hearing a lot about our successes up there as well (probably less about our failures…)
My post today is the “Overheard at the Stop-Watch Gang Meeting” feature I’ve been posting here from time to time. Seems like the Stop-Watch Gang blog is the better place for them. Pop over and have a look.
– S.