Show Notes for Episode 17 – The Biggest Mistake Nikola Tesla Ever Made (1890-1891)

As mentioned in this week’s episode, to get a good visual sense of how Tesla would use the ‘skin effect’ of his oscillating transformer to wow Gilded Age audiences, you need look no further than David Bowie’s portrayal of Nikola Tesla from the Christopher Nolan movie, The Prestige (if you haven’t seen it–seriously, do so right away):

And while there are apparently no photographs of these moments, Tesla would also create a glowing halo of energy around himself at his demonstrations, as illustrated here:

Tesla saturated with electricity glowed with a halo

(Source: New York World, 09 Dec 1906)

016 – Tesla – War of the Currents Part 4: The Executioner’s Current (1889-1890)

The War of the Currents enters its most ghoulish and macabre phase: when the combatants were willing to play with a man’s life. William Kemmler became the first person put to death by deliberate electrocution. Viewer discretion is very much advised.

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: “The Waxing Disquiet” for Best Short Fiction in 2018 Aurora Awards

It’s that time of year again: speculative fiction award season!

Calling all Canadians: Aurora Award nominations–the top Canadian prize in speculative fiction–are now open (until May 26), and if you’d like to support me then I hope you’ll consider nominating “The Waxing Disquiet” from me and co-author Tony Pi, eligible for Best Short Fiction. You can read it here for free until nominations close.

And if you’re not Canadian, well, feel free to read it anyway! Tony and I are quite proud of our beeswax-and-candle-punk tale 🙂

“The Waxing Disquiet” originally appeared in Deep Magic (June 2017).

– S.

012 – Tesla – Tesla in Steel City (1889)

Did the Westinghouse engineers want Tesla to fail in Pittsburgh? He went to consult, but all Tesla found was a hornet’s nest of resentment, ego, and competing agendas. And what was Edison up to now that Westinghouse was a threat to his DC business? A current war is in the offing…