Ancient Egypt in Technicolor

To see them today, you’d think that much of the art and architecture of the ancient world was, well, pretty dull. Lots of beige stone and white marble.

You couldn’t be more wrong. The ancient world was absolutely awash in vibrant colours! And nowhere is that more true than in the art of ancient Egypt–especially in their temple art.

Well, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is determined to correct this historical ignorance by helping bring the weatherworn sandstone of the Temple of Dendur back to the glory of Antiquity.

Don’t worry! They’re not going to paint it. Oh, no. They have something far more high tech in mind.

Using projection-mapping technology (or, more fancily called “spatial augmented reality”), visitors to the Met can now glimpse what the Temple of Dendur may have looked like in its original, polychromatic glory more than 2,000 years ago.

Egyptologists working at the Met have reconstructed a plausible idea of what the scene on the temple’s south wall, in which Emperor Caesar Augustus in Pharaoh garb presents wine to the deities Hathor and Horus, looked like in full colour.

Pretty rad, right? Now image Karnak like that!