Just read this. If you’ve seen 60 Minutes even once you’re sure to wet yourself…
I never thought I’d hear the words “synthetic curmudgeon” used together in a sentence.
Now I can die happy.
– S.
Just read this. If you’ve seen 60 Minutes even once you’re sure to wet yourself…
I never thought I’d hear the words “synthetic curmudgeon” used together in a sentence.
Now I can die happy.
– S.
Like Gandalf the White, like a revenant from the graveyard of failed SF publications, Realms of Fantasy returns!
News today from SF Scope (rapidly becoming THE source for breaking SF news) that Realms of Fantasy has been bought from its publisher Sovereign Media and will be taken over by Tir Na Nog Press, under the direction of publisher Warren Lapine. Shawna McCarthy and Doug Cohen have agreed to stay on in their current editorial capacities. Look for the first full-color issue in May (that means only one missed issue in total!)
You can find the full story here at SF Scope and at the temporary ROF website here.
Congratulations to all involved for pulling this one back from the brink.
– S.
So I confess I think Twitter is pretty stupid. A website where you can post 140-character messages…why? So the whole world can keep up with all the inanity of your daily life? It’s like Facebook if Facebook was ONLY your status message and none of the other cool and occasionally useful features. Needless to say, I don’t use Twitter.
But after reading this story I almost wish I did.
See, LeVar Burton was in Toronto the other day to film a piece for CBC and through Twitter met up with a bunch of random strangers at a bar in Yorkville for drinks and some casual conversation.
Just like that.
You can read all about it in the Globe & Mail here. LeVar Burton always seemed like a nice guy on TV and from what this article says it seems like he really is. (My favorite part of the YouTube video attached to the story is how he says he would “never try this State-side”. Hahaha! Go Canada!)
And the best part of the whole “Tweet-up” was that even though these people came to meet him and none of them knew anyone else there, LeVar Burton got them all talking and they stayed long after he left the bar.
Imagine: the internet facilitated people making friends in real life (or IRL, as the kids say…)
As a Pakled once said: “We need a Geordi. He will make us go.” Who knew that applied to social situations, too?
– S.
Recently, the BBC reported on new research that tries to quantify the number of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy.
The study was called “A numerical testbed for hypotheses of extraterrestrial life and intelligence” by D.H. Forganal, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh. The article abstract reads:
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has been heavily influenced by solutions to the Drake Equation, which returns an integer value for the number of communicating civilizations resident in the Milky Way, and by the Fermi Paradox, glibly stated as: ‘If they are there, where are they?’. Both rely on using average values of key parameters, such as the mean signal lifetime of a communicating civilization. A more accurate answer must take into account the distribution of stellar, planetary and biological attributes in the galaxy, as well as the stochastic nature of evolution itself. This paper outlines a method of Monte Carlo realization that does this, and hence allows an estimation of the distribution of key parameters in SETI, as well as allowing a quantification of their errors (and the level of ignorance therein). Furthermore, it provides a means for competing theories of life and intelligence to be compared quantitatively.
The findings of the research paper mean that there should be at least 361 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy and possibly as many as 38,000.
But, while researchers often come up with overall estimates of the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe, it is a process fraught with guesswork; recent guesses put the number anywhere between a million and less than one.
“It’s a process of quantifying our ignorance,” said Dr. Forganal, the University of Edinburgh researcher who carried out the work.
But here’s the part that always bothers me: SETI researchers are always at pains to point out (as Dr. Forganal does) that, “Even if alien life forms do exist, we may not necessarily be able to make contact with them, and we have no idea what form they would take…Life on other planets may be as varied as life on Earth and we cannot predict what intelligent life on other planets would look like or how they might behave.”
So my question is this: if there are alien civilizations but we can’t talk to them or even potentially recognize them as intelligent then what good is it to us to know of their existence? Isn’t it the ultimate cosmic tease to have them out there but not be able to do anything about it?
I’ve often heard SETI-minded folks give as a rationale for their work the line that’s usually used in STAR TREK plots: that discovering there are other intelligent lifeforms in the galaxy would mean humanity wasn’t so alone and would make us rethink fundamental concepts of our civilization…
But I don’t know if I buy that. Don’t get me wrong: I certainly hope there’s intelligent life out there amongst the stars; I certainly hope the SETI folks are wrong and we can and do make contact with it. I think communication (hopefully frequent) with alien life would indeed make us rethink some of our stupidity and short-sightedness.
But knowing they’re out there but we can never, ever talk to them? What is that supposed to do? Isn’t that a bit like suggesting that even though you’re in solitary confinement you should take heart that there are at least other people somewhere in the prison where you can’t see or hear or interact with them?
– S.
Kudos to Amazon.com, the makers of the Kindle 2.0, for doing the right thing.
As reported on Friday by the Associated Press, Amazon.com said it would allow copyright holders to decide whether they will permit their works to be read aloud using the second-generation Kindle electronic reader’s new text-to-speech feature.
The move comes nearly two weeks after The Authors Guild expressed concern that the feature–reading text in a somewhat stilted electronic voice–which was intended to be able to read every book, blog, magazine and newspaper out loud, would undercut separate audiobook sales.
Amazon said in a statement that it, too, has a stake in the success of the audiobook market, and pointed to its Brilliance Audio and Audible subsidiaries, which publish and sell professionally recorded readings.
“Nevertheless, we strongly believe many rights holders will be more comfortable with the text-to-speech feature if they are in the driver’s seat,” the company said.
Amazon is working on the technical changes needed for authors and publishers to turn text-to-speech off for individual titles.
I think this is the absolute best solution to this issue. After all, it was never the contention of the Authors Guild (or anyone, I think) that the Kindle 2.0 should not be able to read Text-to-Speech. Rather, the issue was that authors and publishers should have the right to decide whether this feature was in their best interest as regards individual books, and not have their rights (and a potential revenue source) cut out from under them with no consultation.
In the press release (which follows below, in full), Amazon.com said “publishers and authors will be able to decide for themselves whether it is in their commercial interests to leave text-to-speech enabled. We believe many will decide that it is.” I, for one, hope that Amazon.com is right, that the Kindle is the ‘next big thing’ and that it gets people reading and buying more books, in whatever format. That will be good news for everyone.
– S.
Statement from Amazon.com Regarding Kindle 2’s Experimental Text-to-Speech Feature
SEATTLE, Feb 27, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Kindle 2’s experimental text-to-speech feature is legal: no copy is made, no derivative work is created, and no performance is being given. Furthermore, we ourselves are a major participant in the professionally narrated audiobooks business through our subsidiaries Audible and Brilliance. We believe text-to-speech will introduce new customers to the convenience of listening to books and thereby grow the professionally narrated audiobooks business.
Nevertheless, we strongly believe many rightsholders will be more comfortable with the text-to-speech feature if they are in the driver’s seat.
Therefore, we are modifying our systems so that rightsholders can decide on a title by title basis whether they want text-to-speech enabled or disabled for any particular title. We have already begun to work on the technical changes required to give authors and publishers that choice. With this new level of control, publishers and authors will be able to decide for themselves whether it is in their commercial interests to leave text-to-speech enabled. We believe many will decide that it is.
Customers tell us that with Kindle, they read more, and buy more books. We are passionate about bringing the benefits of modern technology to long-form reading.
Here’s the text of a letter sent by SF Canada to the Canadian writer community last week regarding one of the clauses in the official rules for CBC’s Canada Writes Contest. Apparently, even if you don’t win and are not paid for your entry it may still become the exclusive property of CBC:
Dear members of the writing community;
CBC has long supported the arts with various programs including contests. Last year I noticed a contest for a poem on Mark Forsyth’s BC Almanac (Radio One). But when I read the rules and regulations CBC asked for all rights, including moral rights. I thought and hoped that this might just be an error, not to be repeated.
However, this year, CBC has been advertising Canada Writes, geared specifically towards writers. The full rules and regulations can be found at: http://www.cbc.ca/canadawrites/rules.html. The paragraph that concerned me was found under 4. Registration:
Entry forms become the property of CBC, free of any compensation or charges, and will not be returned to contestants. All submissions must be original and not infringe copyright or the rights of any other party, individual or otherwise, including but not limited to any person, group, entity, or company. By entering the contest, each participant shall waive any and all moral rights over his/her entry and grant CBC an irrevocable licence to use of the work on-air or online: the entries may be read and aired on CBC Radio One in whole or in part, or online, on any websites or platforms related to the CBC, without any compensation being payable to the participant. (Emphasis mine)
While it is not uncommon for some contests to ask for all publishing rights in return for a contest prize, it is highly unusual to ask for moral rights. Any reputable publisher will not ask for such rights and CBC taking this precedent is dangerous. The issue of rights is a complicated and often confusing one. I am no copyright lawyer but as a writer and artist I am concerned with this requirement by CBC. Below is a definition of moral rights:
In copyright law, rights guaranteed authors by the Berne Convention that are considered personal to the author and that cannot therefore be bought, sold or transferred. Moral rights include the right to proclaim authorship of a work, disclaim authorship of a work and object to any modification or use of the work that would be injurious to the author’s reputation.
This is of such concern to me that I cannot conscionably sit back as either a writer or as the president of SF Canada without bringing it to people’s attention. On January 19, I emailed CBC expressing my concerns. I heard nothing. Again I wrote on January 30, asking for a response and should I not receive one by February 6 I would contact as many Canadian writers’ organizations as possible. (If you would like to see a copy of those letters, please contact me and I will send them.)
If we ignore this, we set up a precedent for artists losing moral rights, where their works can be altered or attributed to someone else at the whim of the owner. If your organization has already been in contact with CBC and has any news on this issue, I would be interested in hearing what is happening.
Over the years, in various ways writers’ works and rights have been jeopardized. With a united voice I believe we can stop this trend and educate people before it becomes entrenched. I must say on a personal level that I am shocked and saddened that CBC would stoop to this level and I sincerely hope it is just the work of overzealous lawyers and can be circumvented.
I look forward to talking more with you and finding a solution.
Colleen Anderson
SF Canada
Today’s New York Times has an op-ed piece by Roy Blount, Jr., president of the Authors Guild, entitled “The Kindle Swindle?” about the Kindle 2.0’s ability to read text-to-speech (TTS), which I’d been talking about earlier this month.
The Authors Guild has also put up a web page with demos of the Kindle’s text-to-speech feature here.
The scary thing is just how good the Kindle’s TTS already is. When the president of Amazon.com was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart earlier this week he made it sound like the Kindle’s TTS ability was akin to that of Stephen Hawking’s voice synthesizer: cold, artificial, not something you’d want to listen read to you for extended periods of time. But I don’t think he was being entirely honest (maybe because he realizes the implications for Kindle’s business at the expense of author’s rights and royalties). Because in the YouTube clip on the Authors Guild site of the Kindle 2.0 reading–it’s not perfect (the timing and emphasis is still a bit weird) but it’s pretty good and the voice at least sounds human. I could imagine listening to it for an extended period and not being bothered.
Just below the YouTube clip are clips of old TTS software (old–as in 2004) reading the same passage of “The Gettysburg Address” as the Kindle 2.0: suffice to say these older voice synths sound like Stephen Hawking. But that was only four years ago and the Kindle’s new voice has come light-years. It really won’t be long before the Kindle’s voice is just as good as a voice actor’s.
This should be of HUGE concern to authors who hope to make any money from the audiobook rights to their work in the age of the Kindle…
– S.
One final reminder, gang–you’ve only got one week left to make your Hugo and John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer nominations.
Both awards will be presented at Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, held in Montréal, Quebec, at the Palais des congrès de Montréal from August 6th – 10th, 2009.
Yours truly is eligible for the Campbell Award, which is given annually to the best new science fiction or fantasy writer whose first work was published in a professional publication in the previous two years. For the 2009 award, the qualifying work must have been published in 2007 or 2008–and you may recall I’ve had three publications in that window. You can see my Campbell eligibility profile over at Writertopia.
The Campbell Award uses the same nomination and voting mechanism as the Hugo, though the Campbell Award is not a Hugo. The award is sponsored by Dell Magazines and administered on their behalf by the World Science Fiction Society.
To be able to nominate a writer for the 2009 award, you must have either been an attending member of the 2008 Worldcon in Denver or be a supporting or attending member of the 2009 Worldcon in Montreal.
Nomination ballots must be received by March 1, 2009–that’s this coming Sunday! Please see the official nomination ballot (in PDF) on the Anticipation website.
Thanks for your consideration!
– S.
Cool news recently in New Scientist: the hitherto smallest known planet around a star other than the Sun may be even smaller than first thought.
Initially, the team that discovered the planet–the oh-so-cleverly-named MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b–believed that the planet’s host star was a brown dwarf, a class of objects too puny to sustain nuclear fusion, as normal stars do. That suggested MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b weighed 3.3 Earths.
But now, after more recent observations and some recalculation, the team believes the parent star is actually a red dwarf, and thus heavier than first thought (those pesky dwarfs with all their confusing colours…)
The implication is that if the star is heavier then the planet is lighter: significantly so, in fact, weighing in at around a mere 1.4 Earths. In size terms, that makes it a near twin of our own planet, closer in mass than any known planet except Venus.
So good news: we’ve found a planet much closer in size to Earth than other exoplanets we’ve found to date.
But bad news: it’s still around 3000 light years from Earth, made mostly of rock and ice, and if it has any sort of atmosphere it’s likely to be composed primarily of hydrogen. So if we do somehow discover FTL and ever get there no smoking, okay?
More details can be found here.
– S.