The 2007 Preliminary Nebula Ballot has been released and I couldn’t be happier for the five friends I have who have made the long-list in the various categories.
Perhaps most thrilling is Andrea Kail‘s nomination for her beautiful story “The Sun God at Dawn, Rising from a Lotus Blossom”, which appeared in Writers of the Future XXIII. I couldn’t be happier for her!
Also nominated are:
Species Imperative #3: Regeneration – Julie E. Czerneda,
Rollback – Robert J. Sawyer,
Ragamuffin – Tobias Buckell,
“Sister of the Hedge” – Jim C. Hines,
Not only that, but Robin Wayne Bailey’s “The Children’s Crusade”, which appeared in Heroes in Training, the anthology Jim Hines edited last year with Martin Greenberg, was also nominated. Clearly Jim can spot talent when he sees it!
SFWA members will now vote on the works on the preliminary ballot, narrowing the field down to (usually) a final ballot of five works in each category. Special Nebula juries are permitted, but not required, to add one deserving but overlooked work to the final ballot in each category. SFWA members then vote on the final ballot and the awards will be presented in Austin, TX, April 25-27, 2008.
Well done to all of you! I hope you all make the final ballot.
– S.
Ragamuffin, by Tobias Buckell
(Tor, Jun07)
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, by Michael Chabon
(HarperCollins, May07)
Species Imperative #3: Regeneration, by Julie E. Czerneda (full PDF on Private Edition)
(DAW, May06)
Vellum: The Book of All Hours, by Hal Duncan
(Del Rey, Apr06 (Macmillan hardcover Nov05 (UK)))
The Accidental Time Machine, by Joe Haldeman
(Ace, Aug07)
The New Moon’s Arms, by Nalo Hopkinson
(Warner Books, Feb07)
Mainspring, by Jay Lake
(Tor, Jun07)
Odyssey, by Jack McDevitt (full PDF on Private Edition)
(Ace, Nov06)
The Outback Stars, by Sandra McDonald
(Tor, May07)
Strange Robby, by Selina Rosen (full PDF and hardcopy offer on Private Edition)
(Meisha Merlin Publishing Jul06)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling
(Scholastic Press, Jul07)
Rollback, by Robert J. Sawyer
(Analog, Feb07 (serialized in Oct06 through Jan/Feb07 issues; Tor book, Apr07))
Blindsight, by Peter Watts (free Creative Commons versions)
(Tor, Oct06)
“The Helper and His Hero,” by Matt Hughes (link to Private Edition)
(F&SF, Mar07 (Feb07 & Mar07))
“Fountain of Age,” by Nancy Kress
(Asimov’s, Jul07)
“Stars Seen Through Stone,” by Lucius Shepard (link to Private Edition)
(F&SF, Jul07)
“Kiosk,” by Bruce Sterling (link to Private Edition)
(F&SF, Jan07)
“Memorare,” by Gene Wolfe (link to Private Edition)
(F&SF, Apr07)
“The Children’s Crusade,” by Robin Wayne Bailey (link to Private Edition)
(Heroes in Training, Martin H. Greenberg and Jim C. Hines, Ed., DAW, Sep07)
“A Flight of Numbers Fantastique Strange,” by Beth Bernobich (link to Private Edition)
(Asimov’s, Jun06)
“Things That Aren’t,” by Michael A. Burstein and Robert Greenberger (link to Private Edition)
(Analog, Apr07)
“The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate,” by Ted Chiang
(F&SF, Sep07)
“Sister of the Hedge,” by Jim C. Hines (link to Private Edition)
(Realms of Fantasy, Jun06)
“The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the Dogs Of North Park After the Change,” by Kij Johnson (link to Private Edition)
(Coyote Road, Trickster Tales, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, Ed., Viking Juvenile, Jul07)
“The Sun God at Dawn, Rising from a Lotus Blossom,” by Andrea Kail (link to Private Edition)
(Writers of the Future Volume 23, Algis Budrys, Ed., Galaxy Press, Sep07)
“Safeguard,” by Nancy Kress
(Asimov’s, Jan07)
“Alastair Baffle’s Emporium of Wonders,” by Mike Resnick
(Asimov’s, Jan08)
“Tonino and the Incubus,” by Peg Robinson
(Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, WS & LWE, Ed., Oct06 (Fall06 issue — #2))
“Pol Pot’s Beautiful Daughter,” by Geoff Ryman (link to Private Edition)
(F&SF, Nov06)
“The Fiddler of Bayou Teche,” by Delia Sherman (link to Private Edition)
(Coyote Road, Trickster Tales, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, Ed., Viking Juvenile, Jul07)
“Not of this Fold,” by William Shunn (link to Private Edition)
(An Alternate History of the 21st Century, Spilt Milk Press, Sep07)
Short Stories
“Unique Chicken Goes In Reverse,” by Andy Duncan (link to Private Edition)
(Eclipse 1: New Science Fiction And Fantasy, Jonathan Strahan, Ed., Night Shade Books, Oct07)
“The Padre, the Rabbi, and the Devil His Own Self,” by Melanie Fletcher
(Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, WS & LWE, Ed., Oct06 (Fall06 issue — #2))
“Always,” by Karen Joy Fowler
(Asimov’s, May07 (apr/may07 issue))
“For Solo Cello, op. 12,” by Mary Robinette Kowal (link to Private Edition)
(Cosmos, Mar07 (Feb/Mar07))
“Titanium Mike Saves the Day,” by David D. Levine (link to Private Edition)
(F&SF, Apr07)
“The Story of Love,” by Vera Nazarian (link to Private Edition)
(Salt of the Air, Prime Books, Sep06)
“Captive Girl,” by Jennifer Pelland
(Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, WS & LWE, Ed., Oct06 (Fall06 issue — #2))
Children of Men, by Alfonso Cuaron, Timothy J. Sexton, David Arata, Mark Fergus, and Hawk Ostby
(Universal Studios, Dec06)
Pan’s Labyrinth, by Guillermo del Toro
(Time/Warner, Jan07)
The Discarded, by Harlan Ellison and Josh Olson (script on Private Edition)
(Masters of Science Fiction, ABC-TV, Apr07)
Blink, by Steven Moffat (script on Private Edition)
(Doctor Who, BBC/The Sci-Fi Channel, Sep07 (Aired on SciFi Channel 14 Sep07))
The Prestige, by Christopher Nolan and Jonathon Nolan
(Newmarket Films, Oct06 (Oct 20, 2006 — based on the novel by Christopher Priest))
V for Vendetta, by Larry Wachowski and Andy Wachowski
(Warner Films, Mar06 (released 3/17/2006 — Written by the Wachowski Brothers, based on the graphic novel illustrated by David Lloyd and published by Vertigo/DC Comics))
World Enough and Time, by Marc Scott Zicree and Michael Reaves (script on Private Edition)
(Star Trek: New Voyages,, Aug07 (Aired 8/23/07))
Andre Norton Award
Vintage: A Ghost Story, by Steve Berman
(Haworth Positronic Press, Mar07)
Into the Wild, by Sarah Beth Durst
(Penguin Razorbill, Jun07)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling
(Scholastic Press, Jul07)
Flora Segunda: Being the Magickal Mishaps of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), a House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dog, by Ysabeau S. Wilce
(Harcourt, Jan07)